The tax treatment depends on the personal circumstances of the respective customer and may be subject to change in the future. Additional explanations of terms can be found in our glossary. Information on advertised ESG features can be found here. Awards and years of experience do not guarantee investment success. You can find references to the awards here.
Fund Manager
Performance in % since inception
Price since inception
Rolling Performance over 10 Years in %
Performance in %
Opportunities & Risks
Top Ten Holdings in % of Fund Volume
Currency Exposure (% NAV)
Country allocation total portfolio (% NAV)
Top 10 Sectors in % of Fund Volume
Asset Allocation in % of Fund Volume
Investment Approach
Participation in a balanced portfolio of equities, bonds and foreign currencies
The potential equity exposure is often utilized to benefit from rising equity markets
Our professional team exploits opportunities in volatile markets
Share prices can fluctuate relatively strongly due to market conditions
The share value can fall below the purchase price at which the customer acquired the share at any time
Price falls on the money and capital markets in the event of rising interest rates
Country and credit risks of issuers as well as currency risks
The Fund is Suitable for Investors
looking to minimize risk compared to a direct investment
seeking to reduce risk through broad investment diversification
The documents required by supervisory and regulatory authorities for this fund are available on the website of the investment company under the following link: DWS Concept DJE Alpha Renten Global TFC | DWS.
Not all funds are authorized for public distribution for all investor types and countries. Please select the appropriate investor profile and country so that we can show you the relevant information.