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The comeback of bonds

For a long time, the asset class of bonds enjoyed great popularity among professional and private investors due to its broad stability and not infrequently served as risk mitigation and diversification in portfolios. However, inflation and rising market interest rates triggered a broad sell-off in the bond market this year, abruptly ending a bull market that had lasted for three decades.

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We look for structural winners in the niche

With the DJE - Mittelstand & Innovation, DJE bundles high-growth and innovative companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in one fund. Its concentrated portfolio includes many of the "hidden champions" from this region, which has recently been somewhat out of investors' focus, but whose strong Mittelstand companies are still worth a close look.

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Between recession and structural growth drivers Summary

With a recession looming, a short-term downturn in the semiconductor industry is probable, but this is unlikely to have much impact on structural trends as these trends are long-term drivers. Various forces are currently affecting the semiconductor industry, whose products are indispensable in many parts of the global economy. This situation is complicated: An improvement in supply chain problems meets recession concerns, and global tensions, particularly between the U.S. and China, are creating uncertainty. What investors should know now.

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Promising, but not a sure-fire winner

Online commerce experienced a huge boost from the Corona pandemic. With the return of more normality, this growth is likely to slow down. However, the structural trend remains intact. Platforms are benefiting in particular, because network effects are the economies of scale of analog mass production in the digital world. When it comes to payment systems, banks are losing out, and the importance of cash is dwindling in favour of digital wallets.

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A widespread disease from an investor's perspective

Obesity is on the rise worldwide and literally a burden not only for those affected. It is also a burden on the healthcare and social systems of national economies. Several promising new drugs are currently in trials or have already been approved and could make expensive stomach reductions obsolete. 

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A question of (price) discipline

Global automotive production typically grows at a similar level as the global GDP - yet we have seen a decoupling of this long-term trend since 2019. However, the growth prospects of the global automotive sector have not changed structurally, they have rather come under pressure due to a combination of different circumstances.

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Structural trends are intact

For a long time, technology stocks enjoyed a special environment: with extremely low interest rates, growth was easy to finance, growth took precedence over profitability, and Corona accelerated the digitalisation of entire sectors and areas of life. In this constellation, they were the darlings of investors. But since the beginning of 2022, that has changed.

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The need for change

While oil prices have continued to rise in recent months, investment in new oil and gas projects have been stalled for some time. Investors are increasingly avoiding industries that produce fossil fuels and high CO2 emissions.

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Ukraine war: Distortions on the agricultural market

Ukraine is one of the largest exporters of wheat, oilseeds and other agricultural products. The war could reduce the harvest volume for the 2022/23 season by 30 to 40%. Far-reaching supply shortages cannot be ruled out. Shares from the agricultural sector are moving into focus. An investment theme for DJE - Agrar & Ernährung (agriculture & food).

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Utilities – rock or victim of the energy crisis?

In the current difficult market environment, the defensive utilities sector should actually perform above average. However, the Stoxx 600 Utilities Index has also declined slightly since the beginning of the year. Only regulated utilities without major risks have been able to perform well. It seems that the markets have focused too much on the risks and too little on the opportunities.

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The Battery of the Future

Hardly any issue is likely to be as defining for this century as climate change. In order to counteract the consequences of climate change, researchers, politicians and companies are increasingly looking for more climate-friendly alternatives to conventional products - including alternatives to classic cars with internal combustion engines.

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Fake Website "DJE-Investment"

DJE Investment S.A. warns the public about the website «» where an entity offers investment services claiming to be established at 4, rue Thomas Edison, L-1445 Strassen Luxembourg. This address is the registered office of DJE Investment S.A.

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Scarce commodity: residential real estate remains in demand

Despite increased risks such as interest rates or regulation, residential real estate remains attractive - in addition, high discounts to the intrinsic value of real estate shares are enticing.

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Trust no one - and other software success models

Although technology stocks are not as much focused at the moment as they were in 2020, the digital transformation continues and with it the demand for software solutions. The call for security is particularly strong because the shift of sensitive data to cloud systems, like the omnipresent collection of customer data, also triggers unauthorized desires. An investment theme for the DJE - Alpha Global.

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Upswing for agricultural shares

Rents and real estate prices have risen in the urban centers for years - we are used to this situation. Rising food prices, however, were not an issue for years. Well, that seems to change now. The consequences for the agricultural sector are analyzed by Jörg Dehning, fund manager of the  DJE - Agrar & Ernährung.

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DJE and Solidvest cooperate with Miles & More

Investors of the DJE dividend funds and customers of the online asset management company Solidvest are now benefiting from Miles & More, Europe's leading frequent flyer and award program, by collecting award miles as part of their strategic investment - and redeeming them for flights and other attractive awards.

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